Friday, 28 August 2009


TV Tunes

tune One person hums the theme tune everyone else has to guess...who guesses right wins then its their turn to hum the next

Name Me

Write the name of someone famous on piece of paper...stick it on the person next to yours forehead so all can see apart from person stuck too...everyone has a different name on their head.. each person gets to ask one question at a time to try & guess who s name is on their head.. keep going around until all have guessed


Choose any subject i.e. animals, cars, name one for each letter of the can take turns or think together..endless fun
above can also be played using the last letter of i.e. animal said... so if dog was said the next person has to think of an animal starting with g......


I went on holiday & in my case I packed (any item ) next person says I went on holiday repeats the 1st item & adds another.. next person same & adds another item...keeps going round. when someone gets the order wrong or misses one they are out... can play this naming items in alphabetical order to make remembering a little easier...does not have to be a packed case can start with I went to the shops & bought..or anything you want .

Eye Spy

Don't forget eye spy with my little eye something beginning with any letter...others guess...can make rules to say it has to be seen by all or it has to be in a home or garden etc.

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